Lengthening Curtains, not Window Treatments

I promised to post again about a project I’m working on! And this time I’m working on our curtains. If you have ever stayed over at our house, you know that the guest bedroom had no curtains which was awkward for changing and also made it super bright in the morning. It was time for curtains!

As usual, I looked for free, hand-me down curtains first, especially since we haven’t painted that room yet and aren’t planning on it anytime soon. My mom happened to have my old ones from highschool, which are a neat Ancient Egyptian pattern. She also had a matching decorative pillow, and I had Egyptian art work. Wallah! Room components aligned to decorate the third bedroom. I got the curtains from her and held them up to see how they look and…. OH NO! THEY ARE TOO SHORT!!

Distress! Anger! Frustration! And then it occured to me that I can just make them longer with some other fabric. Now, if this happens to you but you love the look of long, flowy and proper window treatments, then read no further  But if you are creative and somewhat lazy, really like the fabric you already have and are looking for an easy way to curtain your house, then continue.

I went to Jo-Ann’s with my 40% off coupon, and bought a yard of simple black cotton fabric that would match my curtains. I also got the brilliant (so humble, sorry) idea to hide the unsophisticated attachment line with some trim. In this case, short gold fringe.

Fancy setup of my materials and tools, plus George in the background for framed cuteness

I cut the black fabric in half, and then pinned each half to the bottom of my Egyptian fabric. Because I’m lazy, I did not pin the gold fringe but just attached it on free-hand as I sewed the fabrics together. Very lazy but effective. Did I also mention that I have no sewing machine? All hand sewn!

It’s hard to take pictures of pins…

Hand made in the USA!

I then sew the edges of the black fabric so they wouldn’t fray. Installed the curtain rods (different post altogether) and hung up my curtain. Done!

The black fabric allows some light in, which I like because I’m not a vampire

Stay tuned for more updates on this bedroom as we attempt to make a bed frame!

Time Management and Motivation

Hello again! It’s been a while. I have neglected the blog, which is not a very domestic thing to do. End of the school year was very hectic, and then the summer started with a busy bang. However, I have found myself with much more time recently, yet have not been posting regularly. Why is that?

Time management is difficult. No matter how many advice websites you read or people you talk to, nothing really makes it easy to suddenly get it all done. Then, there’s the problem of motivation. Somehow, they go hand in hand for me, as busy and stressful times also mean that I have less energy and motivation at the end of the day. Sometimes, the same thing happens when suddenly you have too much time. Too much time to think and always the deceptive feeling that you could get it done later….so why not wait…

Sometimes, creative and energy-consuming projects and hobbies are neglected because they are harder to do than the routine. First, the routine is a priority, because it’s what we need to do each day to function. But it’s also easier, because we don’t have to think about how to make dinner, do the laundry, read a book, etc. We do have to think about how to complete a new project, or even how to start one. I find writing the blogs is so much harder for me, because I really really have to think about it. However creative projects for the home are such a big part of my domestic web. I am sad when I can’t motivate myself or structure time so that I can complete those little things that make our house more beautiful or efficient.

Another problem I run into is motivation, or follow-through. Say I am walking in my garden, and I think of a brilliant idea, “Yes! What an excellent topic!” I may pull out my phone and write a note, but the number of times I actually write a whole blog there and then is scarce. I usually have to go back and read through my notes, discard bad ones, and develop my better ideas. It’s all about discipline, and finding the structured time to write something.

Here are some awesome blog titles that will probably never come to life:

“Mopping, not as Zen when you get your shoes wet”
“Gardening- moving stones around can look nice?!”
“Coexisting with nature: ants (iffy), spiders (necessary but scary), crickets (nope)”
“Reducing dirty dishes: stand in your kitchen and eat out of the pan”

Yup, those are all winners.

And with that, I leave you with the promise that I will post something in the next few weeks about some house projects I have done!

Not quite related to the post, but I did mention spiders and walking in my garden…