How to Keep Halloween from Making You SCREAM (from the expense)

Decorating for Halloween is really fun. But like most holidays, it can get expensive super fast. Here are some options for decorations that you can make for free or almost no money. And some involve reusing plastic bags, yay!

Hooded Figure

  • Brown, black or gray fabric. You can use an old bed-spread, thick sheet, etc. 
  • Triangular trellis
  • Tree branches
  • Short stick or wood dowel
  • Lots of plastic bags, and one black bag
  • Wire for attachments
  • Remnants of black tulle or netting
  • Plastic Tupperware you don’t mind cutting, or a Baseball cap
  • Safety pins

Selecting the branches took some considerations, because you need them to handle the pressure and weight of the fabric. However if they are too heavy, they may topple the whole figure over. Once I found them, I attached them to my trellis with some wire.

I am now very knowledgeable in tree branch selection.

Ignore the pretty flowers hanging from the ceiling…

To make the head, I stuffed my black bag with several other plastic bags until it was full and rounded. This is a great way to reuse those plastic bags that are dirty or torn! I stuck the wood dowel in the center of the bag, and then tied the bag around the dowel. I also used some tape to make sure the head was stable. To make the hood drape over the head at the proper angle, I needed an edge for it to drape over. I actually used a bike helmet visor that is detachable for this, but you can also cut a plastic Tupperware container or use a baseball cap.

Actually, he’s facing away from us because it’s hard to tell where a plastic bag is looking.

The head is then ready to be attached to the trellis with more wire. I draped the black tulle over the plastic bag head to add the effect of smoke or emptiness and draped the fabric over the whole thing. This step took some adjusting and I also used some safety pins to make the hood, and make sure it draped nicely over the head.


Creepy Owl

  • Plastic bags
  • Black trash bag
  • Felt scraps in white, red and orange
  • Wire
  • Glow in the dark spray paint, optional
  • Glue
This was is pretty easy and was a quick idea I had after making the head for the Hooded Figure. I stuffed one plastic bag with the other bags until I had a slightly oval shape. It’s better if you stuff a sturdier plastic bag, because the trash bag is too easily ripped. I then placed the stuffed bag inside the trash bag, and tied the leftover bag in a not and tucked it in. I cut two large circles of white felt and spray painted them with glow in the dark paint, but this isn’t necessary. I cut two smaller circles in red, and a triangle in orange. Finally, I glued the face on the body and attached my owl with wire to a tree limb.

Bats Flying Over You
  • Black netting
  • Black foam sheets
  • One white foam sheet
  • Wire
Another easy but very cool one. I cut several bats of different shapes and sizes from the black foam freehand, but you can find several templates of bats online. I also cut a round-ish moon out of white (just because I can’t be bothered to get a dinner plate to use as a template doesn’t mean you can’t!). I attached all the bats in random spots on the black netting by poking a hole on each side of the bat and looping the wire through it and the netting, and twisting the ends (the netting I used was actually from Lowes and meant to be draped over plants to protect them). I also attached my moon with some bats around it. I hung the whole net from my roof, and whala! When I’m done, I simply fold the net until next year and don’t have to individually attach each bat to my walls. The net could also be placed so it’s free hanging and people have to walk through it, or between it. 

You could attach spiders and other creepy crawlies instead. 

Little Personality Ghosts

  • Plastic bottles
  • White sheet
  • Black paint
  • Thread or rope
I call these little personality ghosts because you can paint so many faces on each and they are meant to be cute. I cut several circles out of the white sheets, keeping in mind the radius of my circle needed to be long enough to cover the bottle from top to bottom. I covered the bottles with the white circle, and then tied the thread around the bottle and fabric, squeezing them to create a head. I painted a face on each head, and again you can always find templates online if you need to. To attach the ghosts, I wrapped more thread around the neck and then hung them from trees.

They’re having a party! And you’re invited….

I made a graveyard scene this year for $0! It included many of the projects above. It’s true that I happened to have many of the materials available. For example, my gravestones are gray paving stones which would normally be a little expensive to buy. But you can still have a great setup for little to no money if you think outside the box.

My graveyard scene: Come, stay a while… Or forever! Muahaha.

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